6 Şubat 2011 Pazar

Justice Can Exist

Justice is not only the most significant concept for reaching the true peaceful society in the world, but also can guide human beings to find the meaning of all life and more than that existence of endless if they are believer as its said in Holy Books. In the world, people always have had fights and wars because of many reasons throughout history. However, all of the reasons of those fighting were mostly related with having no true justice between nations, societies and people. True justice can exist, but it can be only for the people who can see beyond of this world life and its material gaining in their own lives. This kind of people would prefer living the good life instead of living in the wealthy life so being fair would be more important than taking advantages in the life. It needs seeing the bigger picture with all perspectives in this world. This can require firstly, people who can think the whole society profit instead of thinking their own benefit and secondly the people could think the good life which has only just actions for each condition that they could not give up that even if it would bring not good for themselves.

True justice would mean that "it is give to each what he is owed" as Socrates says in the Republic (Plato 9). It means equality between people in the world. However, it is not giving what everyone has same, but everyone what they deserve and want. Furthermore, People should behave nicely to others as they would like to get behavior from other people in a society. It could be possible only for the human beings who think their societies’ benefits more than they think their own interests. In this case, people who are supposed to be true fair person should never harm anyone although he could be considered as an unjust or a bad. He also says the reason why just person should not harm anyone by this sentence; "Then won’t we say the same about human beings, too, that when human beings are harmed they become worse in human virtue?’ and ‘Then, Polemarchus, it isn’t the function of a just person to harm a friend or anyone else, rather it is the function of his opposite, an unjust person?" (Plato 11) That means true justice would never harm people but instead it would bring justice for people and make them righteous in the world. It could be provided by only people who are thinking others around them as much as they do think themselves. Regarding only yourself to be just and fair, but no thinking about that others could be just or not as it is unimportant for you would be also obstacle for reaching true justice.

Justice is also need for people to live in peace, because injustice would lead society to have violence where there could be peace for human beings, as Socrates says that "Injustice, Thrasymachus, causes civil war, hatred, and fighting among themselves, while justice brings friendship and a sense of common purpose. Isn’t that so?"(Plato 28) There is need for justice in the world to have peaceful society. As we know that it is not easy for that there could be no day without fighting and wars in our world as from the ancient times till modern times. It slightly shows real justice can not exist in that way. However, even if something never happened in the past, this would not surely mean that it is not possible to happen one day in this world or there can be unknown place humans could never be able to think in this world but they could reach it one day after it as every record of today for all times shows us that.

According to Nizamü’l Mülk people should think beyond of this life’s material gaining to reach true justice. Their aim should be the good life living, it would not be good or easy to live though. There is accepted value about that human beings have faith such as believing the after world. They have to feel to be good in their lives to reach achieving their good for endless instead of getting things of this world by using every method as possible to do. However, human beings could be non-believer even but there would be still need for true justice. Forwhy a human could be able to live in this world without faith as it is known, but no human could live without justice as living the good life. Although they could be considered as themselves as living creature, it would not be accepted as living for real humans. It clearly proves that society needs justice as people can reach it by thinking of society instead of thinking individual advantages. On the other hand, after Socrates explains injustice would lead people be unjust and enemy of the other people who are just or unjust, he mentions that "the gods too are just? So an unjust person is also an enemy of the gods; Thrasymachus while a just person is their friend."(Plato 29) It shows that true believer person should be just by this view, but also a person who does not believe anything like gods would need justice to live the good life for his soul so he has to be just, too because of the Nizamü’l Mülk’s idea . This way there can be possibility for true justice existing in the world.

Secondly, the possibility of real justice surviving in this world needs people who are choosing the living the good life instead of choosing the wealth or material gaining by anything can be done for it. In this context, Socrates also claims that "Now, we agreed that justice is a soul’s virtue, and injustice its vice?" and "Then, it follows that a just soul and a just man will live well, and an unjust one badly." And he continues "And surely anyone who lives well is blessed and happy, and anyone who does not is the opposite" and "Therefore, a just person is happy, and a unjust one wretched. It profits no one to be wretched but to be happy. And so injustice is never more profitable than justice."(Plato 31) It is really good explanation for the ones who are thinking this world life material gaining above everything, because it would actually never make people truly happy. A human needs justice to be happy for real, all other happiness could be only fake ones or the happiness has to have end always. There is no possibility for peace and true happiness without real justice. Justice can lead people to be real happy inside of themselves even in the worst situation that can be thought by material idea of the life, because it can touch the soul, no other possible happiness for the world life can do.

The life of human beings includes spending the years in this world although it is not only meaning of the existence. As it is known that life ends one day for each person, because it is the nature of this world life. Only the idea of being good and just stays forever. It does not mean only that new coming people of the world would realize and remember the good righteous people of history, but instead of that there could be mixed situation and wrong knowledge about the past even. As the history is written by the hands of people too. However, the good and just idea would stay in souls in every condition. Real righteous person would not want benefit himself from the being just human in their lives and going even further not for the endless life as to remembered or realized in the future. Human beings should think the good life above everything such as all material gaining that can be lost after that their lives end.

In conclusion, human beings need justice to make their world better place to live and themselves be truly happier instead of fake happiness of this world. There are a lot of examples can be seen such as fights, wars and harming each other in our world. Real justice is only one solution to reach peaceful world without those fights. It is not depended on only religion beliefs, because non-believer person would need justice to live and feel same as believer do as well. Reaching true justice is not precisely easy as there were always conflicts through the years from beginning of human history. Real justice can exist, but it needs some factors to survive in this world. First of all, every human being should be righteous in their whole life to reach real justice. Although it is really difficult to have real justice, it will be always possible for the ones who are only willing to live the good life instead of living the world’s material life. That is absolutely sure that when a person can think about it for a moment and it would prove him that why there is soul inside of those body that he has in this world and the meaning of all existence. All people need real justice to make their soul happy with being just forever, because there is no possibility to reach that true happiness with all the money people could earn, with all the reputation or fame they could gain in their lives and with the beauty people could get, because one day all they can be gone by death of nature. Only humans’ soul and their hearts could never end.

Works Cited

Plato, Republic. Trans. G.M.A. Grube. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1992.

Nizamü’l Mülk, Siyaset-Name. Edit. Mehmet Altan Köymen. Ankara: Kültür Turizm Bakanlığı Yayınları, 1982

2 yorum:

  1. merhabalar, ikinci argümanda adaletin var olabileceğinden çok adaletin getirdiği faydalardan bahsetmişsiniz yanılıyormuyum?

  2. aynen öyle, justice can exist as well as justice should exist!
